Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Female Stereotypes....Aren't just for breakfast anymore

There have been some nasty rumors going around.....
that all woman fit into some enormous, negative category .
I beg to differ. I mean I really, really beg to differ!
We are not all self-absorbed, shallow, shopaholic,chatter boxes.... au contraire!
I have so had enough with that descriptive wording.
Let's flip the attitude and then I might agree.....wait for it....
There is so nothing wrong with having an interest in our own well-being(self-absorbed). Especially when no one else may be around watching our back. If we have an intense interest in something, that you just might not, or don't understand(shallow), it's allowed. and... Let's face it, the ladies I know, are perusing the stores and purchasing, at times(shopaholic), out of necessity...food, clothes for the kids,home items....and not because they live for the plastic high of a credit card. And last, but by no means least.....we talk because it keeps us in tune with other people. It's our saving grace to be sure that we don't let special moments pass us by. That our friends and family know that we care. That our children feel that we will always be there. That our doctors don't belittle our symptoms when we need a solution. That we do have intelligent opinions, creative ideas, and insights that needs to be verbalized(chatterboxes).
As I have long come to believe, you can have a take on someone or something, but it is how you say it...your careful choice of words.....that makes all the difference.