Saturday, October 18, 2008

Couldn't Have Planned It Any Better....

Never underestimate the power of life's little rewards...
It seems to me that there isn't much of a drum roll, or reflex reaction to the amazing, near perfect moments. Maybe because they may only last for a short time. And if we blink, we miss it. We are conditioned, or made cynical, to believe that the good times are meant to last forever...(or pretty dam near close). Granted, if you are very fortunate a few experiences
will last a lifetime. But, why can't some of it be a series of small, I couldn't have planned it any better if I tried, moments?
For instance: Have you ever picked up the phone to call someone? You start to push buttons and then hear a voice. And it's the very person you were trying to call. What are the chances?! I had that with my mom. It had happened multiple times. Not much of a big deal to some people. But, what are the odds for it to happen not just once, but several times. And that's a memory I'll always have.
Here's another. Since I have lived in my town, my neighbors next door and I have had the uncanny coincidence of leaving our houses and/or arriving back at the same time. And I don't mean the same hour of the day each time.It's been different clock times, different days of the week. We can run different errands, go out to eat, go visiting and the result is still the same. We laugh and smile all the time. It is odder for this not to happen. It's funny to have that to look forward to.
Even more important, did you ever think how you "lucked out" meeting that special someone? How you were in the right place at the right time. How did you find your close friend(s)? Or just when you think you'll never be surprised by life, in a good way...something happens....just when you needed it too.
Granted some directions in life need work and preparation. But, all of life is not meant to be mapped out. People and situations will present themselves to you. So next time, take a calming breath. Take notice, smile, and think, "What are the chances?".

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